Augsburg (D) * 2007 * Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus * 6 weeks
Invited by the New Gallery in the Höhmannhaus, an intervention group was founded in order to professionaly assist development cooperations in conjunction with water supply.
2007 the German city Augsburg offered a wide-range programme focusing on the topic "Water". To create a project for that purpose WochenKlausur was invited.
Augsburg is not only rich of high quality water but also of insitutions that work in the life sciences as well as of networks concentrating on environmental awareness and thereby also on the substantial topic water. These skills and competencies, so the idea of the group, could be made available for organizations working in the field of development cooperation and based in regions which do not have adequate water supply.
All relevant, local institutions have been contacted and 12 experts agreed to get personally consolidated in an intervention group called "Delta Augsburg". Since then the specialists in medicine, international water right, environmental law, microbiology, intercultural consultancy, international co-operation and other related disciplines work together on solutions for water supply problems they are approached with.
Parallel to the intervention group another pool composed of more than 20 more experts from Augsburg was established who can be called in according to the specific request. Simultaneously organsiations of development cooperation as well as off desaster management were advised about the offer of the new intervention group
"Delta Augsburg" meets regularly to provide assistance for precise inquiries asked by organisations that work in the countries concerned. Especially small organisations that were developed by privat engagement can benefit from this new facility. Four such organisations could be found alone in Augsburg. They are working in Bangladesh, Niger, Togo and Sri Lanka. The first excersise Delta Augsburg attends to is to propose possibilities and solutions for the rehabilitation of arsen contaminated drink-water wells in Bangladesh.
Ibrahim Kaya, writer and architect in Augsburg, placed himself at the disposal to do the ongoing coordination of "Delta Augsburg".
The "Delta Augsburg" – experts work a.o. in and for the following institutions:
AMU - Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung
bifa - Bayerisches Institut für Angewandte Umweltforschung
Deutsch-Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Fakara - Nigerhilfe Deutschland
Forum interkulturelles Leben und Lernen
Future for Children e.V.
Geotec - Umweltschutz und Geotechnik GmbH
Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Humedica e.V.
INTERGEO Augsburg GmbH
Interkulturelle Akademie Augsburg
IMU Institut für Management und Umwelt
KUMAS Kompetenzzentrum Umwelt
SEWA - Social Economic Welfare Activities
Stadtwerke Augsburg Wasser GmbH
Umweltmedizinisches Zentrum Klinikum Augsburg
Universität Augsburg
West African Union e.V.
WZU - WissenschaftsZentrum Umwelt
ZWW - Zentrum für Weiterbildung und Wissenstransfer

Karin Nussbaumer, Johanna Rainer, Martina Reuter, Peter Moosgaard, Wolfgang Zinggl